Be a Partner
- Be a partner in the blossoming of the desert – the planting of fruit-bearing trees in Beit Hogla (Certificate illustrated on this page) - Read the article (in Hebrew).
- Be a partner in the organisation of tours of Jericho’s heritage sites, in their preservation, and in disseminating knowledge about them: The Shalom al Israel and the Naaran ancient synagogues, Tel Jericho (the remains of the ancient city which Joshua conquered and whose walls came tumbling down), the Elisha Spring, the Hasmonean Palaces, the Second-Temple Priestly Burial Caves, the Biblical Gilgal & the Circumcision Hill, the Jordan Crossing and the remains of Biblical Beit Hogla.
- Be a partner in the development of a Jewish presence in the Plains of Jericho, by supporting the development of the Beit Hogla farm & community – now home to some 35 young families, and to an extensive organic farm.
How to donate
- Via bank transfer to: Bank Discount, Branch 159 (Jerusalem Center), account No 3212507, in the name of "Jewish Life in Jericho".
- Via your credit card: phone Erna Covos at 052-8699-300 (from abroad +972-52-8699-300).
- In Israel via PayBox or Bit to Erna Covos via her telephone 052-8699-300.
- Registered charity (in Israel) No 58-030-183-6.
Erna Covos: Tel/SMS/WhatsApp 052-8699-300 (from abroad +972-52-8699-300). E-mail
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