The Visitor Centre

Beit Hogla's location in the heart of the Plains of Jericho, is ideal for hosting groups and for organising tours focusing on the history and traditions of the area.
In the year 2021, we inaugurated Jericho’s Visitor Centre, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of Beit Hogla.
The Visitor Centre is here in Beit Hogla, and its terrace has a breath-taking view of the Biblical Gilgal – the place where the People of Israel set-up camp after crossing the Jordan (Joshua 4:19), prior to the conquest of Jericho.
The mountains of Moab and Mt Nebo (where Moses spoke his last – Deuteronomy 34:5-12) are on the east side of the Jordan right opposite Beit Hogla, and can be seen from the Visitor Centre.
The Visitor Centre tells the story of Jericho:
- The crossing of the Jordan (Joshua 3:11-17) and why that location was chosen as the entry point to the Land of Israel.
- The encampment of the People of Israel in the Gilgal (in the heart of the Plains of Jericho – Joshua 4:19).
- The mass circumcision that took place there (Joshua 5:9) followed by the first Passover celebrated in the Land.
- The conquest of Jericho and the miraculous fall of its walls (Joshua 6:15-20). The conquest of Jericho started immediately after the 7-day Passover celebrations, with a daily circling of the walls of Jericho with trumpets and shofars, and culminated on the 7th day when the city was circled seven times with trumpets and shofars, after which the walls came miraculously down. This took place on the on the 28th of the month of Nissan – an anniversary which we celebrate in Jericho every year.
The Visitor Centre also tells the story of Jericho’s important heritage sites:
- Tel Jericho, the remains of the ancient city conquered by Joshua, and excavated by archaeologists to verify the Biblical story.
- The ancient Shalom al Israel Synagogue, with its unique mosaic attesting to Jewish holiness, and in contrast, the ancient Naaran Synagogue with its mosaic testifying to Greek cultural influence
- The Elisha Spring, where the Prophet Elisha sweetened the waters of Jericho.
- The Priestly Burial Caves, where the priests serving in the Second Temple were buried.
- The Hasmonean Winter Palaces, where the third-generation Hasmonaean kings lived the high life.
- The Biblical Gilgal, the Jordan Crossing, Ancient Beit Hogla, and more.
The Visitor Centre can host conferences and film shows, and has many interesting exhibits, including a 3-D map of the area.
The Visitor Centre is the meeting point for visits and tours of the area, as well as conferences, seminars and courses.
To coordinate a visit, a tour or an event, contact Erna Covos at telephone /WhatsApp +972(0)52-8699300, or by e-mail at